explain [later]

about me.




You’re an avid internet reader.

I’m an entertaining internet writer.

I think we’ll get along well. (Swipe right?)





PS Here’s a bit more about me: I work in the restaurant industry. I am obsessed with food – mostly of the chocolate varietal. I love Jesus, love learning, and love running and exercising, primarily to not feel guilty about eating + drinking, secondarily to clear my mind and get away from other responsibilities.


If you’re into personality tests, I’m a Red, 3, ENFJ whose #1 strength is Competition (flattering, right?)


If you’re into the online dating profile-esque info…

Age: 29 ¾

Height: 5’ 10”

Education: MBA

Body Type: 2% body fat shy of “athletic”

Relationship Status: Married (just barely)

Hobbies: Eating, Running, Writing, Working, WWJD-ing

Favorite Color: Raspberry

Fun Fact: I eat chocolate at least once a day, usually at breakfast.


Want more? Shoot me a message: g@gogret.com.